Penal Code, 1860
Ss. 375, 376(2)(g) & Expln. I, 34 and 110 Gang rape Prosecution of a woman for Gang rape and abetment of rape Distinction Held, under the definition of rape under Ss. 375 and 376 a woman cannot be prosecuted for gang rape even if she facilitates the act of rape By virtue of S. 376(2) Expln. I a woman cannot be convicted for rape This is conceptually inconceivable since as per the definition of rape in Ss. 375 and 376, rape can be committed only by a man Expression ``in furtherance of their common intention'' in S. 376(2) Expln. I relates to the intention to commit rape A woman cannot be said to have an intention to commit rape However, question whether appellant-accused, a woman, could be prosecuted for abetment of rape, left open for courts below to decide, (2006) 6 SCC 263-A
Penal Code, 1860
Ss. 375 and 376 Rape Prosecution of a woman for Held, as per the definition of rape in Ss. 375 and 376, rape can be committed only by a man, (2006) 6 SCC 263-B