Exemption Notification exempting all goods manufactured in a mine from duties and additional duties of excise Moreover, the notification assigning to the word <169>mine<170> the same meaning as assigned in S. 2(1)(j), Mines Act, 1952 Entitlement to exemption thereunder Workshop established to facilitate repair of mining machinery and equipment used in adjacent coal mines and declared by Central Government as a mine under S. 82, Mines Act, 1952 Such a workshop if was a workshop in the precincts of a mine and entitled to exemption under the said notification Answered in the affirmative Applying purposive rule of interpretation, broader and not narrower meaning given to the word <169>precincts<170> Since the said word has several meaning, held, literal rule of interpretation could not be applied to it Further held, the question of entitlement to exemption was covered by Central Excise Act and had no relevance with the Factories Act CEGAT erred in denying the benefit of exemption to the said workshop merely because the mine was registered under the Factories Act, S. 2(m) whereof excluded from the definition of <169>factory<170> a mine subject to the operation of Mines Act, 1952, (2006) 6 SCC 340