Exemption Primacy of statutory provision (Rules herein) over notification Effect of availing of MODVAT credit in violation of R. 57-C, Central Excise Rules, 1944 Noti. No. 6/2000-CE exempting paper and paperboard during March 2000 Assessee manufacturing said products, availing MODVAT credit and also clearing goods under the said notification Thereafter, the assessee suo motu reversing the credit, depositing the duty and successfully seeking refund of the reversed MODVAT credit Assessee again suo motu reversing the MODVAT credit and claiming refund of the duty invoking the said notification In the said circumstances, the assessee, held, not entitled to exemption Plea of the assessee that the said notification did not stipulate that exemption thereunder would be available only where credit of duty had not been taken under R. 57-A, rejected as the notification could not be given primacy over the statutory provision of R. 57-C More so, when the suo motu reversal of the credit was effected long after availing of the same at the time of clearance of goods, (2006) 6 SCC 345