![What's New](../../image/wnew.gif)
- As the National Law University is a residential University every student shall reside in the campus during the whole semester. Every registered student shall strictly follow the rules of conduct as per Code of Conduct Regulations 2002. No student shall remain out of campus between 09.00 p.m. to 08.00 a.m. In case a student intends to go out of campus during week ends or after 05.00 p.m. on week days in case of urgency, he/she shall seek permission from his/her warden. During study hours namely 09.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. the students shall not leave the campus.
- Every student shall maintain high standard of peace and tranquility, an ideal conduct, cleanliness and discipline in his/her room. No student shall play music at high volume, shout, and scream or commit acts of misbehavior with his/her fellow students.
- Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and would attract severe disciplinary action and the punishment of expulsion from the University.
- Obscene and indecent behavior shall invite strict disciplinary action as per rules.
- Sexual harassment, or any practice derogatory to human dignity and personal privacy are strictly prohibited. Any one found indulging in such acts would be placed before the Committee on Sexual violence constituted by the University authorities for taking immediate and appropriate action.
Explanation: "Sexual harassment" shall include, but will not be confined to the following:
- When submission to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are made, either implicitly or explicitly, a ground for any decision relating to employment, academic performance, extracurricular activities, or entitlement to services or opportunities at the National Law University.
- When unwelcome sexual advances, and verbal, non-verbal and/or physical conduct such as loaded comments, remarks or jokes, letters, phone calls or e-mails, gestures, exhibition of pornography, lurid stares, physical contact, stalking, sounds or display of a derogatory nature have the purpose and/or effect of interfering with an individual's performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
- When a person uses, with a sexual purpose, the body or any part of it or any object as an extension of the body in relation to another person without the latter's consent or against the person's will, such conduct will amount to sexual assault.
- When deprecatory comments, conduct or any such behavior is based on the gender identity/sexual orientation of the person and/or when the classroom or other public forum of the University is used to denigrade/discriminate against a person or create a hostile environment on the basis of a person's gender identity/sexual orientation.
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